Sunday, November 22, 2009
Thank goodness for Aldi
Well I am still putting away from the Aldi trip. I still do not get any help from the Hippy at all. That is why I have been busting my butt all day and will keep busting it untill I get the can clean enough to where I am comfertable. Pluss I still need to pull the bird out of the deep freezer as normal. This is bad becuase I still need to rearange and clean out the fridge from what the Hippy does to it over the weekends. A 20 lb bird isen't much is it since I really do not know in how many people are really coming over. Pluss leftovers so I can cook more than my fair share of everything. All I need is some gravey and I am set. Ok folks if your household doesen't like leftovers tough now is the time of year to start out on the leftovers. Leftovers is what keeps some households going. Like my can. I can really laugh now becuase I will have 101 ways of turkey for a week after I cook the bird. I shake my head at the folks who refuse to eat leftovers. Some is better over the days after it has been cooked like sauce and turkey. Turkey pot pie with the green bean casserole and a few other things also. Sonney was so right about what she said about makeing good use of the leftover turkey dinner. Now some of the kids I would have invited over for turkey dinner I won't do it now. The ones who need the shock collers. They can go hungery again this year. I have called CPS here and they do not wanna do anything not my problem I did my job by letting them know about the kids that haven't ate in days and the parent who is there just don't care. If I did something like that my toush would have been strung up and then some in what the low life is doing to his 2 children. But I am the one who gets ragged on for everything so I gave up and will keep what I have to protect my own place. As some said I am a Man hater anyway and I really Hate a man who abuses his children and other Women on top of it. Ok folks have fun and play even harder.