Saturday, February 13, 2010
Getting some work done
Well I pulled out dinner for tonight at least. Pluss 2 loads of laundery also has beed done. So I figured to get to chopping onions in the food processor some for tonight then extra for later use in the week. It could be worse around here to say the least. I do not mind cooking at all for the place. Most of what I am cooking for today is off the knock off brands from the stores. There are times to get the knock off brands and there are times where there isen't. Sometimes the knock off brands are more expencive than the name brand foods. This is why I say look and compaire prices all of the time. Look at the tags in the stores for the ppp= price per pound. Now is the time I wish my Mother In Law was still here in person to kick me when possible and start teaching me in how she did everything. Even though I can hold my own thru the grocery stores and other places. Anyway at least food is in my place and the bills are paid. Pluss with so many on the unemployment lines today it pays to be cheaper in the kitchen and a few other places in the household. I was asked the other day in how I do it all around here. Well I do work when I can out of the can and in the can. Otherwise I am a housewife per say also. When I am out of a job or the Hippy is out I do not go after the cup of coffee out and cut back as much as possible around here. Now while I was at the store on Sunday one of the people that have been unenplyed lately I seen his wife get a cup of coffee in Tim Hortans. I would have cut that to where I could still shop and save money while I was at the store also. Then again they guys wife just doesen't think on things anyway since she is supposadly "High Class" to some of us that streach out our dollars in the household. When I started out of being totally cheap again I started wrighting things down on what I spent in the household and cut down the fat in the place where I could. The woman if you want to call her that doesen't walk to the stores nor to the bank it would be benieth her all togeather. What I would do in the winter if the honda was down when I had the honda I would walk to the bank and get a Large coffee for the walk back becuase I was cold on the walk back. I could not afford a cab at all at the time. And the coffee out was a treat to me anyway. If I go around totally getting radical on things to cut back on that nobody will like me at all in or out of the can. IF it was up to me I would be hanging laundery even in the winter and alot of other things. I still have enough hangers and a few other things here in the can. The outside lines never come down unless one breaks while I am hanging laundery. The same guy as mentioned he gets excited when I start in on something new around my place and wants to share what I have done with his wife and she sticks her nose up at me like I am worth nothing to her. When I am holding up Thier Children in a Funeral Home I see that I am more of a Parent to the children than thier Mother is. When the person who passed on has been there since before dipars and then some. Along with me, the Girls would be just crushed if something were to happen to me. As I call them My Girls becuase, I got them stuff from yard sales and garage sales and they loved it. I still like to go to yard sales and grage sales to this day and other friends coulden't believe all the steals and deals that I ended up with during the day of our outing. When I can get stuff used and discounted at rock bottom prices that still works I will use it untill it quits around here. Or so tatered that they wish I would get arid of it at all costs. Why get new when the old or used works just the same in my place. There are some people that it just bothers and I don't care. They do not live here and passed up liveing here all togeather becuase I am hard on teen's in a way, only becuase, I know what I did when i was 14 - 18 years of age. I was married at 16 and divorced at 18. Need I say more. Ok folks have fun and play harder.