Monday, February 8, 2010
Well I still have..........
Today is somewhat busy of a day and tell me when Mondays are not around here. Yesterday the bump on the log started in once again of "I diden't do anything wrong" with the Hippy. Well I haven't totally got to all of the liveingroom as of yet and that is for today also. That means that there are still batteries on the coffee table that have been used that were never thrown out. The Hippy coulden't believe it when I said that I had to rewash dishes also untill a couple of friends said yes she had a sink full of just nasty dishes left that were supposadly clean according to the nasty 48 year old. Granted I had 3 dishes in the sink on Saturday and more got made on Sunday and I never complained to much before anyway. Well for one when I go to doing dishes I use the hottest water that I can stick my hands in with soap and, the other sink full of hot water to rinse the dishes in. Once the water is just totally that bad I drain the sink and restart of what is left. That is how I do dishes and have done them for years. And I am so thankfull that I am not married to the ex husband anymore. There would have been blood shed in the house with the lazy toush and I would have no say in it. And yes I said it bluntly also. My ex asked how I was doing yesterday and if I needed help here. I will give the ex this he always stuck up for me out side of the household eather way. I will say also that the bump on the log would have never made it at all with the ex totally around. I told the ex that the bump on the log wasen't worth going to jail over at all and I already threw his lazy butt out of the place. So today I will stay home and get some things done around here and go out tomarrow during the day. It will be well worth it all and make it sweeter. Now I don't know if you watched the Big Game yesterday or not yesterday. Denny's is doing it againwith the free Grand Slam. You need to order a drink for the free plate of food but well worth it. Just leave the person a big enough tip Please. That is how waitstaff makes thier money. Ok folks have fun and play hard.