Sunday, February 14, 2010
Yesterday was a bust
Well the lazy bump on the log diden't return my jacket at all. So now I start by plotting my way thru and maybe he will get the point of don't create welfare frud around here at all. That is the problem around the state of NY all togeather. The State is over a Billion dollars in debt becuase of missmanagement of tax dollars and tolls. And the Welfare system is part of the problem also. Granted some folks do not make enough to get groceries in the household at all around here. Another thing is 3/4 of the people up here can work and for the most part get off of the system almost totally. When I asked for food stamps years ago they almost denied me saying that 60+ hrs a week and 900 dollars a month was enough to pay all the bills and buy groceries with. When the next person was getting 500 dollars in food stamps, medical, section 8 or hud and cash from the system sitting on thier toush and doing nothing at all. Well after some screaming and a few other words said I ended up with about 130 dollars a month and nothing more in food stamps. I also budgeted them out and streached everything to the limit and the case worker coulden't believe that someone could do it. I still streach out everything to this day. It is out of habit and not knowing with todays world if the people in my place can eat tomarrow also depending on the job or jobs. At this point in time yes I get repetitive and repeat myself becuase that is how some learn like myself. When I did start most of my habbits of streaching things out around my can I almost gave up while I was ahead. Some of the things that I started doing Just diden't work at all for me. Others have stuck around. Now for some it is like second nature to me and I tend to freak out in my own place when people keep things pluged in when not in use at all and draw power that is not waranted here. Last week was a very good week for me since I got to turn off everything here in the can. Since I started throwing people out of course. Now I told the Hippy that I did get my gift for today the place that is empty during the week except me and I like it. Pluss I kinda splurged and had to get a few things that were needed. I got teased about it around here also. Even in what I got for myeslf it will fall apart or break withing 3 years with me. I will streach everything out totally. With the sofa and love seat they are shot in most folks eyes. Not to me just yet. When the recliners won't go back down and stay then they are shot in my eyes. I will cover them up untill that time more than likely. Well unlike what my supposad nice told me last year to this day infact. That I was nothing but Trailer Trash and deal with it all. She was the Welfare scam from the get go anyway. At age 15 the child tried to tell me I needed new furnature in my place. I laughed at her and said go get a paper route to pay for it and other wise deal with what I have. Just becuase something is ratty doesent mean to get arid of it at all. If I did that I woulden't have anything in the can. Nor would I have the can. So there are some things I will not get arid of at all. That is me. That is what I mean of streach out the dollars and make sure that it will hold up from the abuse if need be with any purchase for the household. Granted some things will not hold up in a household. Like cheap pots and pans. I bought the Ultrex2 collection about 10 years ago. They are still holding up around here without a problem. Yes I have had to add some other brands of pots and pans becuase I can't get the ultrex anymore. Ok folks have fun and play hard.