Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Still not a good day
Still waiting on a phone call for the car. I did get some things done and lunch cooked for my own Hippy around here. Pluss got the bird feeder filled up for the out side birds. It keeps Olliver happy since he can see the other birds outside. Well it is not to bad around here at all since it was a really cheap lunch off the sandwich maker. Pluss I still have soup around here and leftovers. Well I have been fairly cheap so far this morning and afternoon. It is not that hard to do around here at all. Who needs extra bird seed when there's leftovers from my bird to fill the bird seeder. Olliver picks and digs thru the dish that he has. Whatever lands on the bottom of the cage and what is left in his dish after acouple of days gets switched for new. I have a gallon ice cream bucket for the stuff that Olliver won't eat at all. After it gets full then I go out and fill the seeder outside. So it is a double feeding after I get done. Yes that is cheap but then why waste something that the outside birds will eat around here. It goes along with ok how far can I push something around here and reuse it also. Or will it fall apart in the next useing around my place. Just like the thin towels around here. I use them to cover the kitchen chairs. It works and protects the chairs while I am at it all. A bit of bleach and deturgant they come clean from the ring around the collar as I say. Pluss I like to keep one at the bottom of the cage where the main pertch is for Olliver. That is the only time he is messy besides dive bombing the food dish. He learned early and the vac running to pick up the seeds that went all over the place. Just like my computer I find free stuff, coupons, and wright off of it. Pluss there are free games also. Pluss there are free recipies on the net. I will tell you what in todays age it is nice to have the free stuff around. It makes for a bit easier time to go up to the mail box when you only have dirty (bills) mail and a few samples also. The free samples will help in the long run when you are totally broke one month. When you have what calls for a load of laundery sample it is really 2 loads in my place. Well that is what I say as in streaching out the dollar and streaching out other things in the household. It works for when you are broke and once you get into the habbit of doing then it seems like ok I can keep doing this after everything. Just like when I started cutting the dryer sheets in half. I wasen't sure if it would work or not. Well I tried it and diden't mind it even with a double load of laundery in the dryer. I started that becuase I diden't have a dryer in the can. Pluss I had the other set of 3 girls in my can at the time. I had bought brand new jammies for the 2 younger ones also and never got them back so I started hitting up yard sales at the time and spent a dollar on 4 pairs of jammies that would find thier way back to my place. The girls Mother was a pig on things like that. The cheaper I went the more chances the things would find thier way back dirty and then some. Well I got good at mending and spot cleaning the jammies so much that they still looked new once one grew out of them and the next one was growing into them. That is why I say if you have growing children in the household go to yard and garage sales in the spring summer and fall and you may find pretty good stuff for dirt cheap pluss hit up the clarence racks at the end of the season also. Most children will not mind that the item is used at all if they are in good shape. In my household ya hollared about it then you got nothing new except undies and socks. Well after they hollared enough I still diden't get them new items just the used ones and they learned that I wasen't gonna be pushed. Well once children learn now days just becuase the state say so doesen't mean it is so in all households most of the workers understand of what you can afford and that is it. Most of the problems today is that the children have to much power and the parents rights don't matter PERIOD. A friend told a CPS worker straight out I brought the children into this world I can indefanatly take thier toushes out of here also. Just like I told one CYS worker in PA if it was abuse to be amancipated at 16 then why the Hell did the Judge alow it in the first place. I also told them that The child is on her own at that point also and may as well get use to it since it was so Damn funny that we all had to show up in court for the spoiled brat. Anyway at this point the boy has missed school once again over at 34 here in the park. It doesen't do any good to call anybody at all since the school system doesen't care and niether do the Town Clowns (cops) around here. And since one parent is home it doesen't matter why the boy missed niether. Anyway at least it is a good day all and all. Have fun and play hard.