Thursday, February 18, 2010
Well free and others
I have 5 free boxes of tea sitting on the counter and alot of lids missing. Go figure on that one. They were there 3 weeks ago and I already know who and why. Then the question came up of is Jose still there with ya. The Hippy is like no my wife threw his toush out 2 weeks ago and asked and reasked on alot of things and the lazy bum diden't wanna listen. Put it this way the management diden't blame me one bit at all. The lazy bum did the same to her in the office trailer. Now I am happy that I don't have to put up with the B.S. anymore around here. Not only that I did find out today that some of us are still doing better than others at this point. Pretty sick that some of us can sit back and still work on other things than go out side of the place to work. And others are getting thier collage education. Now I can really laugh becuase some of us got lucky. After all of the years of fighing my way up, being cheap, and streaching out the dollars I can somewhat sit at home and still worry but not totally here. What gets to me the most is that I can work from home and do what I have to do around here without a problem. Another thing is that now I have a palce full of food and my bills are all paid up to date also. Now with my one cousin she is so far into debt that she had her 16 yo daughter start working to pay the morgage on the house that they just spent way to much on. Now for years this so called woman has had no food in her place for niether her nor the child they have always went to grandmas house to eat and grab food over the years. I Never did that at all. I would rather starve than have it held over my head that I grabed food there. That is how I am and always will be. That is why I started with coupons and getting very cheap food to feed the household nomatter where I was at. Also I started out early trying to streach out the food in the place weather be in someones house or in my own. Pluss I always had children to feed also. So now all I can do is shake my head on alot of things still and go from there. A good friend of mine said this past week I always had a baby or young child hooked to my hip and she was right. So now that I have the place to myself do I want children yes is it top on my list no at this point yet. I will start looking for more free stuff when I do get prego of course. More coupons sure. It is in my nature to do so and be cheap as possible for the household and I don't care what others think at all.