Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Realizeing I have it good
Over the years I have been called a Rich Bitch and a Spoiled Bitch from how I thought were friends and an Out Law that I won't comment on to much. I have came to rialize that I am niether and have worked for what I have here in the tin can all togeather and could care less about what others say about me eather way. Alot of what I do have has came from coupons and being cheaper than snot pluss working at times out side of the can to make ends meat and have food in here also to eat along with the children that were left in my care also to eat. Now after some serching on the net I have found that I can cook cheaper from scratch than the pulling out of a box cheap. Today I found myself in so much pain that I coulden't stand it at all so I ended up at Walmart instead of takeing pain killers I got a 30 pack instead and a few other things while I was there. As I told my mother last night call off the curse woman becuase they are growing. All she could do was laugh and you ain't are ya. I told her no becuase I know I am not prego. Long story and in the short my one sister taught me about babies at 15 years old. Well my Mom and I can laugh becuase like any girl growing up I wanted to be bigger than I was. Now that I am I know why my mom and one sister has back problems as they do latter in life. Well one with the other what can I say. Anyway now I have been doing alot of odd ball stuff around here and it has been working for me for the 5 days a week around here if not longer.