Saturday, February 27, 2010
Well I got some more done today
I took the cans in and 33 dollars later for them. That was the cans from the household. I had to laugh about it tonight. Pluss I got the van back early also. Arm and Leg but thats ok at least the worst is fixed and now to get the other parts of it within a couple of months. Well the Hippy talked me into going to Walmart and Ollies. Niether place was bad to get out of. Some odds and ends that were needed. Now for this up coming month it will be somewhat bad becuase I dident totally stock up for this month at all. In Febuary it is always bad becuase you barely make the bills and get a bit of food to last you thru. I will have the stack of coupons with me for alot of the places that I will be going into and driveing folks nuts behind me. Untill they see the totall after I get done of course. That is the best part of the shopping trip. Pluss I was explaining to the young man in what I do when I go for the big trip of shopping. He asked if I went out to several stores and I said yes and with a fist full of coupons also. I did save alot today in all that I got without the coupons. For a 44 dollar bill it would have been 90 dollars at the regular store. And most of the stuff I picked up were brand names. This is why I say shop around. Another costomer and the Hippy were talking about the prices and you have to watch them in all the stores. Now for the Paula Deen cook wear over at Ollies is about half the price of the web site and other stores. I diden't get anything of the cook wear at all. I did get alot of food items while I was there. Like big bottles of Jack Danialls bbq sauce for really cheap. And the store changes sometimes daily and sometimes weekly. It is like a Big Lots and a Dollar store in one but messy its one of the stores you have to dig in it to see what you can get. Anyway most of the laundery is done around here of course. Now there are some bedding that needs to be done and that can wait untill tomarrow or next week. I will say that not everything gets done in my place at one time. Also I refuse to keep a perfect household. When my body says no more guess what I have to stop and sit down for awhile. I will work for 15 min and sit for 15. I can get more done that way. The Hippy laughs at me all the time for it an he knows what I do to make it during the week around here. I know that the Hippy doesen't hollar to much at me now becuase I have found a system that works and he doesen't mind what I get done as long as the main balk of the work gets done. Pluss not only that I get done what I get done and some days it is all I can do to get out of bed to say the least about me. When I go to the do the grocery shopping it gets worse around here with me it wears me out. Then I get to break down meat to meal portions to the can. It works for us around here. ok folks have fun and play hard.