Sunday, February 28, 2010
Ok so you know
Since the 18th of last month I have had a bad month around here from the last posting that I made. Not includeing a death with it all. The week of january 18th I was not even home all week except one day and I supposadly get pictures of me and someone that I was not even involved with and diden't want to be involved with at all. The thing that was here wasen't worth my time nor marage nor me being cheaper than snot over at all after the slave and maid treatment that I got for takeing the lump on the sofa in. Now I have other emails from the "Jolted ex girlfriend" that I can share with you all. Now my Husband found out that I dident get all of the dishes that the lump rinsed off and said that they were clean also with cold water. If the ex wants the bump on the sofa go for it I don't need the crap from any man on earth after my ex husband at all. My Husband now knows that I will nail him if need be. And I just don't care. When I can say that I am running the household by myself around here and my now Husband is not here but on the weekends Gee I wander who runs the place nobody but me. So I go as cheap as I can when my husband is gone and tough. He doesen't say much when I eat soup during the week and other things also. He is not here to say what I do during the week around here at all. I will be cheap/frugal with my money eather way that I go around here. When I can save money I will around here nomatter what other folks say about it all. Some people I just do not like and would rather stay away from them. When I get told I do this in Porter Rico and my bill is maybe 50 dollars a month well guess what you are in NY State where the greedy bastards live. When my power bill is 150 a month if I don't watch what I so around here. So I got my way becuase the lump wasen't paying a red hot cent into the household nor chipping in at all. His ex wants him that bad have fun enjoy I don't want him at all. Men with short hair never had my intrest at all give me a man with Long Hair and less body Hair and I am a happy camper. At this point Mark(The Undertaker) could stand totally buck naked in front of me and I could turn him down colder than the weather outside in NY State at this point. Now I have always been the person who has asked can you boil what you just got and eat it. I do not spend at all. One of the things that I have got use to around here at all times. I will miss my Electrition for Wrestle Mania this year. Becuase one of us always ordered it, and the bloodier the better as the both of us put it made our days. I am sorry when someone blows out thier knees more than what I have in life for a job God Bless the folks. The Electrition and I always had an agreement on things in life we diden't have a pleasent job and blew out body parts quicker than snot if we were not carefull or broke bones. I broke the bones and he blew out disks in his neck and back with our jobs. No matter how mad we got at each other all we had to do was pick up the phone and bam we were there for each other nomatter what was going on or down in our lives. I really miss him eather way and still Loved the Man like a brother. As I told his Mom and "Dad" I will miss him and Thank You for letting me get the chance to know your son.