Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Well nothing got done
Nothing got done yesterday and still waiting on the van. That is ok becuase I get the wipers done at least yesterday. So lets see how it all goes today while I am waiting on the phone call for a piece to fix the van. Well at least it is not to bad around here since I did cook dinner lastnight once again. Now for the next 2 days I will eat the leftovers and more than likely the Hippy will be out all weekend since he had a bad start to the week already. Oh well at least I do still have a tight budget around here. I see already it is gonna be another Monday today. Well at this point some have forgot phones and books for the truck and thank goodness the truck hasen't fully warmed up as of yet. So I had to go back up and hand everything to him. Well now the lovely Govener of this blasted state is trying to charge taxes on the Reservations again. When will some learn around here in this state?????? I will be one of the first to help out on the res. When a pack of KOOL'S are 8 dollars a pack off the reservation and 4 dollars of the 8 are state taxes. The Government around here doesen't see the problem at all. When they are bringing in at least 100,000 a year for a pay check pluss health care when most of us are makeing under 50 grand a year and are struggleing to pay bills and put food on the table. I will say that the state of NY is overly broke around here. It is time for the Government to take pay cuts and bring in thier own T.P. and paper towels to the office like I had to with one company that I worked for. Yes I am still cutting the fat off of my budget and it is a never ending proccess sometimes. When there are some of us cutting and slashing bills around here so should the Government and see where it all goes to. Like unplugging stuff when you are about to leave the office and do the secritaries really need 5 more secrataries to help them all out also. Ok with Patterson yes I can see why he needs a Driver. That I do not mind to pay for since he is legally blind. But, when there's 6-10 secrataries in one office you tend to wander on what the heck are they all doing. Pluss there are gofers for all of the government around here also. Also the cell phones that they use for free and cars for part of the perks. Well at least with the state of Illinois you can expect part of them paid off and sent to prison. Around here it's a totally differant ball game. When you have someone who paid for a call girl with the states money they should have been in prison as of when they got busted for it all. The rest of would have been sent in a heartbeat. They have filed no charges what so ever to the last govener here in NY State. Anyway most of the polititions woulden't survive off of what I do for my household. They also woulden't be caught in places like Aldi, Save a Lot, the dollar stores, and Ollie's to shop at. Nor would they be caught dead useing coupons to streach out that bill also. With alot of the problems here in NY State is the folks in Albany just don't give a rat's behind on how most of us try to live around here at all. Yes I can throw a bash at my place and spend alot less than the parties for the polititions do it for. It's called bring your own drinks and a side dish at my place. Pluss I don't have a maid nor a cook while I am at it all. Granted some folks eather can not cook or just plain out refuse to cook for them selves. Ok folks have fun and play hard.