Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Watching Liveing with Ed
All I can do is laugh and wander how Rochelle hasen't killed Ed yet. Now I know I have a small space that I am liveing with. 700 square feet isen't much at all. Now I have got creative with storage space here in the can. I still needed a storage locker whick I hate paying for after 4 years now but have no choice. Anyway when you have bins to store the sheets in becuase you don't have room and a few other items of course then you know space is tight. I have dishes in my desk and a few other places. For the extra food storage I grabed the 2 white shelves from my Sister In Law. Betty would be happy to know that I am useing them. Sometimes I have to bang my head really really hard just to get things done here in the place. When I have it in the storage unit I will use it. Since one child wasen't pushed out of her. A leagal loop hole in PA the neighbors can clame your child if you pass away. Well After all said and done Liberty-Ann Mercer who is 18 now diden't shell out a dime for rent on squat and was a minor at the time with no relations to nobody she lost out. Oh well in my book. Becuase the Landloard if he wanted to could have got a dumpster and pitched everything also. SO I reused some and had to throw alot out with the cat urin on it. Or use Holy Water on it and watch it burst into flames. I got most of it that was good and have kept it back for the real daughter if she wants it have fun. If not I will use it. Now with me I don't mind used furniture but, will have to sanitze some of it knowing who had it. Barbaside here I come let me tell ya. Anyway to go green is fine but just dont drive the other half up the wall nor the kids if you can help it. Now with me going cheap and somewhat green I am there. I have got the Green Works products from Clorox. I have not tried the laundery deturgant yet and stressing yet. I can't wait untill I do now. The bathroom cleaner and a few others work very well so far. It doesen't bother me nor the bird at all. So now I will use the dish deturgant, the dilutable cleaner, and the bathroom cleaner. Between sales and coupons I can get them. They are a bit more in price but are well worth the price since you use so little of them. Maybe that is why I go dumpster diveing so much around here. The big corperations throw really good things out instead of reduceing the price on the item for a quick sale. If I can't use the item then it gets passed along to someone who can. I have been like that ever since I can remember. Here in the trailer park we pass stuff along also except for fans. Some of us laugh about it all. Becuase all of us are trying to save pennies as much as we all can. So we all traid on stuff and go from there. That is why I don't mind useing coupons for alot of things around here. May as well be cheap and get cheaper along the way around here. When you have good neighbors along the way may as well traid coupons and other things. As I say never hurts to traid and save as much as you can for your household. Make it a pot luck dinner even between neighbors. If one can't cook chips and dip go along way before dinner. I have learned that along time ago. Anyway now to figure out how I am gonna do some things around here and some extra thought. I may sleep on it to figure it all out. Have fun and play harder.