Sunday, February 21, 2010
Maybe I think to much
I got to thinking while I was folding laundery and throwing in the next load into the washer. Well at this point I am not going over to the launderymat at all anymore thanks to my washer and dryer in the can. Pluss the Hippy won't let me go without a washer here also. Some have called me spoiled and some I refused to say at all. I get the last laugh here since I get alot of things done on my own without help. What gets to me is that I have offered a person some help just becuase. I get shot down all of the time and no calls back if the person doesen't want to go or do something at all. So I gave up after this last go around. This has been going on since November of last year. After this go around I gave up. Now I refuse to wait on a phone call I will go out and do from now on. Just like I did lastnight, I went anyway and had a good time. All I have asked is for a call to say something instead of being ignored. Well the last call that I made to the person she asked what do I do with all of the quarter coupons that she had. I told her if she was useing the product to use the coupons when she went to the store. A quarter is better than nothing of course for saveings. Since the gal was left broke she doesen't consider to use coupons at all along with other things that she should have been doing from the beginning. Now maybe I hope I did get thru to her somewhat on watching every nickle going in and out. Alot of folks have had to lately. With all the job loss and benafits running out and some still haven't cut back totally for thier place alot of folks do not have a clue. I have been dealing with one vehical also for the past 15 years. It hasen't bothered me when the car/van goes down at any time at all around here. Also I have not had a brand new car at all. Some folks that is all that they want is "brand new" and that is it and you can't change thier minds niether. Well with me I just do not want the payments that others have out there at all. When I can sit here and say that I do save up my money to get things and may change my mind once I get to the point where I do have money for the things that I was saveing up for also. I would rather know that I have the money pulled back than not have it at all.