Thursday, August 9, 2012

Shaking my head

Welln at least I know that I can pick up the nickels out of the yard next door to me from now on.  So with that being said here now the pick ups and the walking will begin here totally once again.  Since I do not mind the walks anyway here, what the problem is here at this point in time is that I have to get motivated yet again.  And I did get that small push here lastnight from someone while I was at it.  So now I will start again with longer walks here instead of the smaller ones that I have been taking.  Anyway yesterday I did get the cages cleaned out, with the garbage out to the curb, and the laundry hung up outside.  Ok so I never said that the middle of the week was always calm here for the household.  It seems like 3 times a week here I am very busy and at least 2 days I can sit back around the place.  The best part of it all here is that I can try to do things on the cheap here for the household.  This is what alot of the government can not understand about some of us here in the area at all.  With all of the people that are on welfare here in the area and I am sure it is all and about 3/4th of them do not need it at all along with the disability checks also.  I will admit that the system is broken totally here and it makes me wander in how some people can fake things here also in alot of ways.  I know of 3 people right now that are on the system totally and are way to lazy to do anything at all except collect the once a month check and partial welfare also.  Knowing this there is nothing that I can do about the 3 people that are on the system totally here.  That is why I do not even bother with the 3 people here at all at this time.  The last call I got from the thing of a brother in law he was begging for money to get groceries for his place.  I asked where did both checks go along with the 400 dollars in food stamps that they got and he could not tell me anything at all.  What our Niece could not understand was in why I said and when the thing went to the hospital for diabetic shock again.  I asked when and she said on the 15th of that month.  All I could say is that sounds about right for what she normally does here since the thing goes about that time when the money runs out in their place.  That has been going on for the past 18 years here and it will not stop at all.  With that being said it is the system hard at work here totally.  Or it is NY State hard at work totally one.  Pluss alot of it here and now Obama wants most of the people caught in the welfare system anyway it seems and that is why I said that I do not want him back into office at all for another 4 years.