I had a problem last night trying to upload the pictures into the computer from the camera. There are always ways around everything I am guessing of course. So now I will have to drag out my laptop to get the pictures and send them to myself. What a pain in the toushie. I have came up with a couple of new ways of trying to get the clutter up and out of the way now if and saying a big if they work it is all good. So now just to get alot of the things done and see if takes ahold of me. Even though I have been really creative on ways to store things around here. I have my odd ball places of keeping things out of the way. Now to get the sewing machine out to make alot of covers for some of the appliances in the tin can. I still laugh about it becuase some people cant stand in what I have so far. Trust me I DO NOT keep up with the Jonses at all. If I did I would have been homeless along time ago. I figured why bother to keep up. Its not worth the time nor the effort to keep up with the rat race of life. The older I get the cheaper I go in life. Maybe becuase I know I can make alot of things myself than go out and buy something that I can make for a quarter of the price. I always have flour,onions, and yeast in the house along with bakeing powder. There are some staples that I cannot live without at all. I have learned to keep powdered milk in the place also. Never know when a big snow storm is going to come up and close the roads. Pluss I use alot of powdered milk for bakeing also. It seems alot of stuff lasts longer when I use it also. Some people just laugh and say well why not start buying stuff that they all like. I really like the people who try to spend my pay before I get it and it isen't thiers. I shake my head at these people all of the time. Ok so some things are somewhat tatard in my place. I do not mind one bit as long as i have enough sheets to cover the thing. I refuse to buy another couch till the one I have is saying it is not playing no more. And why should I????? There is more to life than having going broke for other people. And haveing brand new stuff. My van is 20 years old this up coming year. The van still works well. And I only have one car so therefore I can walk if need be. Walking is good for alot of things and it is free. I can say this becuase I have been without a car also. So now to give the recipie for the BBQ sauce that I have.
1 big onion polverized
2 cups ketcup
1 cup brown sugar
3 dashes of wostershire sauce
1 shot of Mr. Jack Danniles
Mix all togeather and throw on meat when its on the grill. A whole new way of BBQ sauce and it is cheap also. Ok folks I will be back later and lets see what I can do with organizeing the place. Have fun and be safe.