Friday, August 21, 2009
Cutting your bills
Cutting down or cutting out on the bills are worth every effort in the household. Now for me it is useing coupons and turning stuff off in the household. Pluss several other things that I do. Just like I DO NOT eat out at resturants as a general rule in the household. It is ok on the rare occation but not all of the time. The only way to get me out to eat is free stuff like sandwiches or free of something and it really has to be a big saveings for me. Now another thing that I do is when I hit the grocery stor or the Walmart super center is that I look for the cheaper cuts of meat. You will be surprized If you know how to tenderize cuts of meat that are tough. Pluss there are this day only specials at the meat counters also. I really like to sweet talk the butchers and I can get more soup bones and other things for cheap. Like deli ends are a good thing around my house. A chest freezer is a nice thing to have also. When whole chickens or turkeys go on sale for like below 50 cents a pound that is the time to buy them and put them back for later use. There are sales all over the place now adays. If you can catch the sale item pluss use a coupon it drives the cost down even more. Just like the Buy one Get one Free stuff did you know you can use 2 coupons for that sale. Just like last month there were frozen pizzas that were 2.50 a piece. I had several coupons for 2 dollars off of a piticular brand. So it is really up to you in what you want to do with it all on the coupon part. I know some people don't use coupons at all. I say if they are out there the companies want you to use them. They would rather take a loss on some of us folks becuase they know some people like to pay full price on the items that they offer. Well with the power bills shooting up now a days and new TAXES being on them in some MONEY HUNGERY STATES some of us have figured out how to keep the cost of that down also. In the summer time I hang out laundery to save from extra heat not going into the household. The washer is energy star rated and it was worth the extra 100 dollars on it for everything like useing less water also. It costs maybe at most 3 dollars a month to run the thing at all times. I genorate alot of laundery in my house hold also. I try to use the dryer as little as possible anyway only becuase it uses alot of power to use it. Now for the computer I do use mine more times than not. There are days that I have it totally off along with the modem also. The only bad thing is that the phone is on the modem also. I have a cell phone to make alot of calls off also. And it does help when the power goes out around here. People say drop one for the other and I say what if MYSELF or OTHERS are stranded out on the road. The kindness of people help and I have returned the favor that was done to myself also on that. But shop around for the best plans for the cell phones. Another thing about the power bills are that you have to unplug the PHANTOM DRAINERS. Like power cords that are not in use. I have saved over 50 dollars on the power bill by unplugging charger cords that are not in use. Pluss I have alot that is unpluged also while I am at it. You don't need the mixer plugged in 24/7 do you? All of the appliances in the kitchen are unpluged untill we need them in my house. Most of the lights are not burning niether. I may have one light going if that during the day. Pluss during the winter months I have a candle burning when I am in the kitchen. Another energy drainer is when you leave the computer going 24/7. Mine gets shut down at night. Pluss it saves on the mother board and hard drive. And it gets shut down when I leave the house also. Another good thing is if you have the bundle packages for alot of things like the cable, internet, and phone on one bill. It saves money most times. Now for my household also I have had to learn that a quiet house is a good thing around here. I can say after you get use to the idea that it is quiet you may not want stuff on like the T.V. or the radio on constantly. Now there are times when I do an alday search on recipies. Eather from the cookbooks that I have or over the internet. Then I mix them up to make them my own. All I can say is be creative on it and do not overload your husband and kids with a week of new recipies. Do it maybe once a week or so and see if the kids and others will like them if its not a hit then toss the recipie. Also I have learned over the years that some kids are very picky eaters. As the old saying goes if the parents put thier foot down then the problem wouldent be there. Unless there are food alergies. Anyway there is still alot of tricks of the traid out there and more that I dident mention so far in this one. So try new things and do not be scared to do so niether.