Friday, August 21, 2009
I went out for a bit
I ended up at the reservation for smokes. Instead of 100 dollars for a carton of smokes I paid 20 dollars for the cheap ones. It is well worth the 12 miles to get out there and not pay state taxes. And there's nothing that the state can do under the 1812 treaties of the 7 Nations so far. Even though NY State is greedy. There is no other way to put it. Then they wander why most of us are moveing out of the state. So many taxes we all should be on food stamps except the reps of the state. Then they all wander why some of us are cheaper than snot around here. At least my lot rent is paid to the slum landloard and my bills are paid who cares right?????? What I want is enough money left over for food and other things. Maybe that's why I turn off everything then unplug it all while I am at it. I have been conserving on water also on top of everything and my water bill went up. Go figure. I am useing less water now than I did a year ago. Oh well I can not win them all. At least I am trying to get the bills down to under 100 dollars a month anyway. That will be the day to see my eltric bill under 90 dollars on a good month. So I am still trying to figure out in what more I can still do. Most of the bills are taxes I will agree to that but in 14 years my eletric bill hasent been under 95 dollars. With the fans going with the air it has droped another 50 from last year, and hanging out laundery helps also. At least I have something to look forward to each month. Pluss the freebies that I get in the mail. About the only thing keeping me saine at the moment besides the look ups and the dig ins to the free stuff that is out there. The cans will be a welcome sight for me for extra grocery money of course. I still can not believe that people throw away nickles all of the time. The state of NY gets almost 11 million extra dollars for people not returning the cans for the nickle that they spent on them. Oh well have a good one and play safe and hard.