Friday, August 21, 2009
Bird bath
Oliver ended up with a pie plate of water in the cage today. He went straight in and started splahing around. now his forehead looks like it has been spiked up. Oliver is a sopping wet birdy. Well that's the second good laugh of today. Now to figure out what is for dinner of course. Such a job with that. Maybe tuna salad for dinner or regular meat one. Or maybe sauce and noodles. I vote for noodles tonight. So now just to sit back wand wait for the bread to get done out of the convection oven and then go from there. And toamrrow is the tax auction for Niagara county. I may get a place for cheap I may not who knows. It will be fun and lets see if any jaws drop to the floor this go around. Anyway I will be back later on be safe and play hard.