Well we all made it out to the Erie County Fair today. Channle 4 day so all day 4 to park 4 to get in and went from there. And of course I am totally burnt for this go around its about 85 out that way. There were alot of free stuff at the fair also this year. As you will see in the pictures. Then to top it all off free grocery bags. So it was well worth it for the weather plastic for the windows to go out there. And since there were 2 of us out there that stuck togeather we got double of everything. All in all it was about 41 dollars to run around including parking and the fee to get in today. And all the goodies that were there like the candy coated cashews even. The Tree guy was pretty cool also. The both of us split all the food and drinks today so it helped cut the cost of everything. And we got our exercise also with all the walking today. OK I will go get the noxema or the vinager for the burn stay safe and play nice.