I get a day to catch up on everything. I really need to find a way to balance work and the house hold out. The 12 hr days are a swift kick let me tell you. At least the laundery is getting done for now. I will start bakeing tonight again. Fresh bread and muffins will start rolling out of my kitchen tonight.
Anyway the quaker bird is doing fine after the move. He started eating big now. Nice to see him fall asleep at the food dish. It's also nice to have Walmart right next door also to the house. I may have to get more bird seed soon after this. Oh well at least things are going good for the poor bird and he doesen't have to fight for the food anymore. I will put the pic of the quaker up as I get out of the camara.
Now to do some shopping at Walmart and have the stack of coupons with me at least I don't need much from there this trip. And lets see if I can do more easy meals this month. And it really does not get any easier than www.Annie'sSimpleandEasyAmishRecipes.com. And yse it is still hitting me on cooking cheap also. Ok folks let me get started here on shopping and there will be pics to fallow with the next time I can sit here for 20min or more.
Some Cozy Winter Inspiration from Dainty Diaries
1 month ago