Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Well thinking of
I'm thinking of not going tomarrow 8 dollars is alot of money to be dish out. That's enough groceries for 2 days in my household. I still eat alot of noodles and chicken. And I can make my own noodles with the Kitchenaid mixer. The poor mixer hardly gets a break in my house. Along with sever other appliances in my kitchen. I am always cooking something and getting alot of things at a bargin from the stores. You almost have to in todays market. Made from scratch takes alittle longer but its well worth the trouble in alot of cases. At least you know whats going into the food that way. The Hillbilly House Wife is a good source of recipies from srcatch. Pluss looking to see what's in the cabnets and the freezers and plan a meal from there. Just like I have alot of rice in my one cabnet. The rice cooker is a wanderfull way and a fail prof way of makeing rice. One of my appliances that I have picked up along the way. I can also steam alot of stuff in there also. Also I have the george Forman grill wich works wanders in the summer. I just dont like heating up the big oven in the summer time with the A/C on. Thats where the other appliances come into play in my kitchen. And the power bill is cheaper than what it was last summer with the command preformance convection oven going and the grill inside. I also run 2 fans here in the house to move the air. Then block off the rooms that im not useing along with Hanging up sheets and bankets at the windows to keep the hot out and the cool in, it also works with keeping the warm in and the cold out in the winter. There's many tricks of the traid to keep the power bills down along with the gas bill. So anyway I will get more pictures onto the posts for tomarrow eather way if I do go or dont go to the fair.