Wednesday, August 26, 2009
So much free stuff out there
Now I am always thinking of ways to save money and try to be dirt cheap out there. Then it dawned on me like a really nasty habbit. There are alot of ree printables out on line. Like free printable calanders, coupons, menu planners, and so on. One good site is There are even free paterns on the net also. I pick and choose anyway becuase that is how I am. Now for free recipies I pick and choose also. If it seems expensive it really is. I do not go for fish recipies at all. I can laugh becuase I have a 3 ring binder for all of my recipies that I have printed out so far. Even now I am still running out of room for the prined things. Ok so I like the veriaty in the house. There are even printed out shopping lists so you can wright stuff down for the household. Some people chastize me for useing my printer so much. They also like eating over at my place also. Well with good food coming out of my kitchen and they cant believe I tweeked out a recipie like I did. Alot of people have stoped coming over as well since I have got cheaper within the the past 3 years also. Becuase I turn off lights, unplug almost the whole house, and started useing less things. I really enjoy the fact of streaching everything out and makeing people mad that walk into the house that I am doing it my way instead of thier way. Well what can i say I still go after the shock value after all of these years. Pluss not only that the cheaper I go the better off I am also. And I am not going out to blow paychecks on things that I don't have as a want. I pay the bills first then whats left is for groceries and other things. I will prevail to get cheaper around here soon. Have fun folks and play harder.