Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Now lets see
Ok lets see what i can do with the left over chicken from last night. I do like my left overs a whole lot. Only becuase the main part of the next meal is already cooked for me the next day. Now to bake bread for today since I have slacked off with it being so hot out lately. I am bound and deturman to get caught up. Just my nature to do so. And I can't put off one of my kids niether for his cookies. Thank goodness he understands when it is warm out I don't do squat except easy cooking and not so much bakeing eather way. Well I just can not see heating up the oven and slaveing over a hot range top and oven all day long when it is 90 out side. Then makeing the A/C unit work that much harder and wasteing money that way. Anyway, the free stuff hunt is going well. There's alot of days to where things are free out in resturants of course. Like Arby's has something free on Wensdays, Ben and Jarrys Buy One Get On Free on sundaes on Monday's, then there's Free candy on Fridays. Well there are some people I do rub off on doing this all from looking up what is what around here. Now if we could just get alot more free stuff out at the grocery stores things would be good. Pluss there are free games that you do not have to pay for out on the internet also. Free bingo in your home. It is nice let me tell you. Ok folks have a good one and I will be back later.