I broke down and got a cage for a really good price today. Petco is really good. Well they took 4 dollars off the cage without the bowls to it. I already had one and got a water dish for oliver. Now for the other cage will go back to BIG MOMMAS place. This bird is so spoiled rottin at my place it's not even funny. As you can see i have a very tight space between my liveing room and kitchen. And I havent totally cleaned yet. The nickle deposit is one of them things here in NY State. But it's a nickle put back wehn i go back to the store. And you get very creative on storeing stuff in alot of ways. And yes I do block up the windows while the A/C is on and heat. It keeps the drafts down in the can (trailer). And yes I do have a KitchenAid mixer one of the luxuries that I cant live without at all. I have blown up way to manny hand mixers and after 18 yrs I broke down and got a real mixer. My grandmother's lasted over 55 yrs so I do learn after that at least. If you do have some luxury things it is ok. Like getting more bang for your buck says the older folks. If you can use it more than not go for it. Just like my convection oven I use it all summer then on holidays also. I have more room to cook stuff and keep it all warm. Well I can say with cheese blocks its easier to run it Thur the food processor than paying more than for the already shredded stuff. I bought the food processor for pulverizing onions more than grating cheese with. And i have used it more in the past year than the past 13 when I bought it. You can hit up going out of business sales and get better sales that way also. Or yard sales/estate sales. I have done all of them. I have been so broke at one time i didn't have any furniture at all when I first moved here in the can. I was lucky to have a T.V. a stand, one dresser,bed,dinning room table,bed, and a stove. A 32 quart cooler was my fridge. So i have came along way for 14 yrs of being up here. And i still shop the began rack for some stuff. Just like I did in the beginning again. I still shop for freebies. A friend of mine after knee surgery had gave me a monster of a computer to start out with. To keep me busy with enough to waddle to the bathroom and back and the page was up leave it to Dr. Frankenstein as he is lovingly know as to keep me busy instead of the girls at the time. So free stuff and coupons out rule allot of stuff to keep the house going. Just like www.coupondad.com and www.coupons.com are nice sites to go to. Walmart takes the printed coupons and it depends on the grocery store you go to also. So get the policies for the stores. Well with my thoughts have fun and be safe.