Sunday, August 23, 2009
Pulling dinner
I have pulled dinner for tonight. I am going to try something new today again. Boiling Chicken Broth and cooking the pasta in that and adding the garlic form there. In the summer time I get alot of chicken broth. Only becuase I par boil the chicken before I throw it out on the gril. So besides for chicken soup in the winter time I have homemade broth all year long. So eather way it still gets used up in my household. It also gets used up for homemade dog bones. Ok so I do have a taste tester or 2 now. Between my dog and Jack next door(golden retriver). And if the kids break into the puppy cookies who cares becuase I know whats in them. I had to laugh alot with my cousins baby only becuase her and the dog at my aunts house were shareing the goodies. The baby is other wise known loveingly as my pig tail streaker also. So anyway I am waiting on the chicken broth to dethaw form the deep freezer. And I will let you know in how the pasta turns out tonight when I cook it. Now to really start cleaning while I wait for everything to come togeather for tonight. Pluss I will start looking for freebies and other things on the net while I am at it. The woman who runs has it so right in doing something for 15 min then sit for 15 min. I always get more done that way thru the day. So I will be back to let everyone know how dinner turned out. Play hard and safe for the rest of the day.