Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Meatloaf again
Well another meatloaf will go in the oven when I get off my toush and make it. Pluss I got a phone call From the staffing company. About 12 hrs before the shift which is more notice than what they gave me the last time around. I said that I couldent becuase of the fine work and With the 3 fingers after the break that I had did I am no good with little parts anymore. I will admit that I have a hard time seeing stuff also thats small even with glasses on or in. I know what they are doing also in the same since. I would rather be dirt cheap than get treated like dirt any day of the week. And yes I did say that. So now a really big desissions have to go on with myself. Pluss I want a more stable yes you are working tomarrow and next week. Instead of day to day hour to hour. So I have started really looking after the swing midnight shift. Not only that I can make it with really being cheap and alot of other things also. That is one thing about myself I can make the best of the situation. Now I am not totally broke or destatude at all. I don't have to run down to the welfare office at all niether. It is in how you budget and cut the things you want out and wait for it. I learned very quick what is a need and a want awhile back. It was hard at first till I did get use to it. A need is food. A want is a brand new car or house. So eather way I will win at this point no matter what goes on. I have lots of options still open on to working out of the house. Anyway now the loaf is in the convection oven. I make it like a big burger anyway with wostersire sauce and stake sauce. Pluss I put onions, bread crumbs, and 2 eggs. Then bake at 350 for about an hour. I will check on it if it isen't done then stick it back in. And I think tonight is the can pick up for all the nickles. And I will scope that out tonight at least. If I can get 2 to 3 bags of cans that will be a big help. Also it is like free money to be collected out on the street. I just don't understand in people pay the nickle and then toss them out into the recycleing bins. Not all people are frugal or cheap. Or they like to waste money one. Eather way some of us win. It is something extra like nickles in the piggy bank or gas money or something of the nature at least. Well I will let you know how it turns out later on tonight when I get back. Have fun and play hard.