Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The chicken is in
Ok the last of the whole bird is in the oven. Sometimes you have to see what is on sale for the week or month on what is cheaper per pound of chicken. Now in my household I do buy alot of chicken. I have 101 ways of makeing chicken. And there's alot more than the 101 ways. It was picked up at 69 cents per pound. And a 10 pound birdy was about 5 dollars. I should have picked more up but dident have room in the big freezer for no more than 5 birds. Then if you can pick up the gound beef for under 99 cents a pound thats even better to top off the chicken. There is chicken casseroles to chicken wraps to chicken salad. With the gound beef there's homemade burgers to meatloaf girl scout stew and alot of other things. People ask all the time what the heck is girl scout stew which is known as shepards pie. Sisters who knew. Least they knew how to cook by the time i came along. There are still things that flop on us as normal. I don't care in how long you have been cooking for. Then you pick your self up but the straps and start over again. ost of the time my one sister can not cook a meat loaf to save her own skin runny in the middle and done on the outside. It took me 20 pluss years to eat and cook a meat loaf on my own. The hippy is happy about that one. There are alot of recipies out there to get the burger type fix going on. Just like www.pauladean.com she has a poor mans menone out there. All i could do is laugh but it is so true when you are first starting out. Even a good friend of mine will tell you on that. And he is a Doctor/Actor. Become creative on what you have and could do with anything in the freezer and pantery. And don't be scared to try something differant on anything. Take a recipie and make it your own adding this and that and write it down. Now I know people who dont like alot then theres food alergies out there write down the food alergies and start cooking. I dont use pepper nor peppers of any kind becuase of food alergies. So alot of the food I make is from scratch and I don't mind it now like I use to. There are times that people try to slip stuff past me and I can always tell becuase of the tounge starts to burn. So try new stuff and when kids say PEPPERS AGAIN try something differant. I know when my mom figured out when I would go into a miagrane with peppers she stoped cooking with them. Now I go into hives and miagranes when consumed and I dont wanna know what else to go along with it. So look up recipies and go from there. Have fun and be safe all.