Thursday, August 27, 2009
Now to do more
Ok now that everything is alomst unpluged again. And I did find out that I am cheaper than most of my family on one side. Since I do not have a mortgage pament. I am doing the happy dance around here. And all I can and still do is laugh about it all now. I finally surpassed my Father also on being cheap. I got a nice flier in the mail for my supposad aunts Birth day coming up. I will NOT BE GOING to it with such short notice. Pluss my Bday is before hers and I REFUSE to break traditions with my elecrition whos Bday is the next day. So with that being said I will stay home. Now with being cheaper than my Father. There is alot that he diden't know about myself being as frugal as I am. And no I haven't said a word about going to the auction on this past Saturday. Well there is alot that I do that he dident realize that I have done. Like with the cans first then the dryer sheets with cutting them in half. My aunt about had a fit over that one when I cut it in half in front of her. Then like the bargin racks that I so do appreciate also at the stores. I have it down to a sience in the stores. Of what and when to hit. There are so many things that I have done to save money that it is not even funny anymore. I have even used the dryer sheets that have been thru the dryer for dust rags also. Another good thing is with the dryer sheets they are a good skeeter repelant also. I have also saved bread bags when I was buying loves of bread. It came in handy when I broke my 3 fingers in one shot at work. So I could still do dishes when I could grab something again. Who knew about some things. The bread bags also make great dirty diaper holders when you are on the run in the car or in the diaper bag. Becuase you can put one in then tie a knot in it for the next diaper. It will hold at least 4 diapers in one shot. Well it is one of the tricks to haveing kids also. I can really laugh sometimes about it becuase there's so much that can be reused then recycled after 101 uses of things. Like the empty gallon plastic icecream containers. I have one for line pins, one for dirty dish rags, then one for old bird seed. It is the stuff that Oliver doesent like. They come in handy for Barbie shoes also. Pluss alot of other uses. So think about ways to reuse something in the household and the bargin racks at the stores. You will go alot further than what you think you can. Spice it up also. Have kids redecorate it as a project even to give it a new flair. You will be surprized in what they can come up with also. Ok folks have fun and play harder.