Now the 2nd pie is in the oven and the bread is riseing. Thank goodness that the cake was done yesterday around here. I started this morning when my feet hit the floor and got coffee in me. Alot of my lists are getting done still. I have most of the day to get the rest of the place done and more prep work as always. The cherry pie is smelling so good now that it is gonna be tough to let it get to tomarrow. Pluss I have going over the couputer. The radio station has been helping me get thru the day while I am cooking and bakeing up a storm. I had to sit down for abit around here since I havent really sat down from about 8 am. I also pulled my binder of recipies out to make sure of the measurements on everything. Some I can keep straight but others they went out the door. Now the final riseing of the bread is going on I can go do other things for about an hour around here. I have really been working on the kitchen and getting stuff done. The table is getting cleaned off little by little once again also. Well I pulled everything and that is where most of it has landed untill I could get ready for it. I got to laughing lastnight becuase, there was hardly anyplace to sit at when people started coming over. The folks that come over also know that I have to cook around here and it helps to have alot of it on the table. With the food processor it works pretty good so far. The true test is the rest of today and tomarrow when I start useing the blinder part also. The joys of cooking around my place. The stuffing mix that I just started to make this year is pretty good after I put garlic in the whole thing. Ok here it goes.
2 boxes of boxed stuffing mix
1 sausage bullit
1 small onion
3 stalks of celery
4 tablespoons of garlic
Now what I do is make the 2 boxes of the stuffing to the instructions on the box. Then add in the other things while it is still hot. Then put it in the fridge to make it easier to stuff the bird. Now what doesen't go into the bird I put it in a bakeing dish pluss a stick of butter and bake at 350 for about a half hour to an hour. It works well for my place eather way I go. I use the off brand on both the butter and the stuffing mix in the boxes. The off brands seem to taste better to me than the name brands do. Between both Hippies they laugh about it now. Becuase I can trick people by useing the off brand here and say its the name brand with a straight face. It is all in how you season foods up also. Just like with my BBQ sauce that is cheap. The shot of Mr. Jack makes the differance. Ok folks have fun and play hard.