Saturday, December 5, 2009
Picking up odds and ends
I went out and picked up the odds and ends from Walmart again. I really need to stay out of there. The Hippy was laughing at me about it. In what I did pick up is at least 10-20 meals once again. And I ended up with another 5 dollars in cans and plastic bottles for my stove fund also while I was at it all. The jar that I have the stove fund is not filling up like I want it to even though I have bills in the jar. Anyway at least with everything going on I do not need anymore food for the can at all. It is nice to be stocked up on everything. And with winter setting in once again it is hard to get out at times. Folks wander why most of us shop for the moth around here once Winter hits. You never know when the roads are going to be closed down of course and for how long. I can walk to most places granted and it doesen't mean that they will be open niether. Tonight is fried chicken of course with the works. I got asked if I did write down the recipie for it and yes I did. Even though I do eyeball everything for the coating on the chicken. It is for the folks that ask for the recipie I can tell them what is in it. I am bad about not writeing things down and won't rememmber what I did for something. I guess it runs in the family. Becuase my grandmother never puts anything down on paper for some of us kids. Like some of my cousins need the recipies since they never ever cook. I have been begging for years for some of them from my grandmother. I have some of them that she uses and only by accedent. I have been lucky to crack some of them over the years also. Now I have been trying to get her up here for the past 2 years and she won't leave the house. I told her I wasen't getting a sinus infection for anyone while I am down in Illinois. Guilt trip to try to get her out of the place for at least a month. I won't bring her up here for the Winter at all. That is where my Great Uncle comes in. Warm for winter and the cooler summers up here not a bad deal at all. I want the learning experiance from the other side of the family that did have the large family. Deep Freezers are a great thing as I say. Or at least cook for the month without trying. There is a reason behind my maddness of course. The pro of cooking on the cheap and would blow anybody out of the water without effort. Even my poor mother can teach me a trick or 2 still to this day and we all still laugh about it. Now back to the Walmart thing for today I had to pick up gravey packets and I got that and other things for the place today. And I still forgot the kleenexes while I was there. Funny in how that happends. So eather way now I can go over to another place that is cheaper than Walmart for those things. Ok folks have fun and play even harder.