Thursday, December 3, 2009
I haven't made it out yet
I havent made it out of my place yet since I have housework to do. And that is ok by me. It has got colder thru the day I can say. If I do go out it is to walmart and some folks are lucky that I can spot a government vehical anywhere and still sniff them out. What is the worst thing that can happen to me for opening my Mouth up being thrown in jail. Give me that vacation Please. I already paid for that one thruout my life already of over 20 years of working. Maybe that is why when folks threaten me I am not scared to open up my mouth and tell the truth on everything. If it happends to me it could happen to anyone is how I am looking at it. So some People are just out of luck I will open up my mouth and say what needs to be said when it is the truth on things wheather you like it or not. Pluss be very blunt while I am at it all. Now I will be cheap weather the "Rich folk" like it or not. Walk in my shoes for about 6 months and see how you like it trying to streach out every thing and every dollar you can. And without Health insurance on top of it. Part of what the government is trying to do is nail people like me who can't afford the health coverage. Eather we make to much or not enough thru the year. It is eather eat or have insurance. What gets to me is that I had health insurance thru a company in Kentuckey and someone from NY State told me that was Illiegall in what was going on. Gee what about the people who work out of the state for a liveing. Truck Drivers folks who have a better paying job in another state for the Bi-State regin of things. Please tell me another line of BS on that one. Well NY State is money hungery is all I can say. Just like the Govenment here in NY doesen't have enough money thru December to make It on. Guess what is it really Nessissary to have 6 secretarys for one Government Official around here. What ever happaned to all the lay-offs and other places shutting down. At the one place that I woked at I had to get my own heat and own TP for my own office. Space heaters will travel with my toush or get into a building that was 12 below zero and work that way. That is what the Empire Zone did for most of us and getting us sick. Then people do not understand why I do not mind working out of my place. Also what really gets to me is that I brought in my own stuff for about 7 years Pluss coffee fore everyone is why in the Hell can't most of NY State officials do the same thing. To save Money. Just a thought from my end. Gee I guess no Lavish parties niether while we are at it all also from the state capitol. The 2000 dollar plate specials to where I can make better food at home is just plain nuts. For the Black Tie events around here. Ok Ok I understand why the Govenor of NY needs a driver Leagally blind I can understand that. I have several friends that can see very little alsowith thier eyesight. Ok folks have fun and play even harder while you can.