Thursday, December 10, 2009
Still wheighing heavy
Well after all of thies years and what I was told last night I have a heavy burdin on me at this point still. I am re-working my budget still and waiting on the Hippy to get back here to disscuss this one further. Now after paying the lot rent yesterday I am totally bust for at least a week at this point in time. I will admit I am somehat strict on alot of things in my place. School is one of them and also working is another strict policy I have. I wasen't well to do when I was a child and keep that policy near me at all times. My Mom diden't hide squat from me at all which I am greatfull for now later in life. My Mother has taught me well along with other folks to be self reliant and don't count on other folks becuase you may not be able to afford it later on. I am waiting on my Hippy to get back here so we can discuss this matter with the 18 year old girl. The problem is that here in NY STATE 18 years of age is not an adult untill you hit 21. I think it is a Stupid Law to begin with anyway since I was an adult at age 16 even with emancipation papers from my parents. Pluss I could work full time also while I was at it. Now with that being said the child in question there is something fishy with her paper work all togeather after she moved in with her sister and her sisters Boyfriend. Not doubting niether of the 3 at all but what the heck happend to all the paper work That was on the 18 year old to begin with. So now I get to go fishing for paper work and other things for the girl. And knowing the girl it is gonna cost me dearly eather way. Just like my other niece that is no where related to me at all. Nor the Hippy also. Now when someone is related to me by marrage or close enough to it yes I will help them out in anyway possible that I can. I know from what I went thru as to not be wanted at all in life hardly. That is why when one child totally snubed me from the get go and one from where I know she is from is reaching out to me at all costs in life. So I am still debateing on bringing the girl up here at all costs to me. Also I know she did loose her mom at an early age. It is like I am a big sister to her anyway. Her and my baby brother are like 4 years apart at this time. And coming from a huge family I know what it is like to feel not wanted at all eather way. So I am still going on a hunch and a prayer here and I am hopeing for the best at this point. So I will do everything possible that I can for the girl and go from there. Have fun folks and play even harder.