Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Over 30 dollars today
Well I saved over 30 dollars today. Went to 3 places today and my Hippy wanted more out of me. And I have Cast Iron why and 4 hrs later. I think the Hippies boss woulden't mind at all at this point in time. Well I went to 3 places today and saved alot of money then he wanted me to get out more. As I told my Grandmother today I have Cast Iron Pots and Pans for a reason around my place. Now normally I get out of the house once or twice a week at most. And with the snow coming tomarrow it makes it even worse. Between the knees and the back it's a toss up at this point tonight. Now for the folks who know me totally they know that I have bad knees and the back that has been broke more than once. I asked today in how my grandmothers sholder was and I knew already what the answer was. I coulden't climb stairs but would try to help eather way that I could. Since I am so far away I can't do it for my grandmother nor my Momma. Most know my Momma straight away on where I post this at. Some don't. Anyway as I have said before I live in a can (trailer). I can always tell in how cold it is out side depending on how cold the kitchen sink is on the hot tap for how long even with the heat tape on and working. It is getting colder out side eather way now. The snow and everything is coming weather we want it to or not here in NY. Now a good storm brewing this late I know that we are in for a really bad winter this year untill May 15th. Don't get me wrong on it all. Now I remember the bizzard of 82 in the St. Louis area of course. I was makeing ice balls still in May of 82. Now with the blizzard type conditions out there and the Hippy as a truck driver I have my worries of course. And who woulden't after being togeather for over 15 years. So for all the 18 wheelers out there DON'T tell us gals not to worry becuase we will anyway. Now thru the years who has kept me saine thru the years is good friends and another couple of Hippies and his Wife and Girlfriends you know who you are. And one keyboard that was way to flipping hard and realizeing after I broke 3 fingers on one hand and looseing a nail on helping out I still LOVE you guys and gals. Ok folks have fun play harder.