Sunday, December 27, 2009

Getting to the lists

I must admit that I make a list for everything here in the can.  As I get something done then I check mark what I had put down for that item on the list.  I find it easier to make a list up for what needs to be done around here and go then I don't forget on what I am doing for the day.  Also then there are no arguements from folks that say what have you done all day.  Also if you are running a double lists for the household and the grocerystore all the better.  I know some folks that keep a list on the fridge or the pantry door.  I am not lucky enough to have a full pantery for my place.  I have the kitchen and part of a spare room and that is about to change around here also.  With a 700 square foot place it is hard to have a regular pantery.  I have shelveing units for extra food in the place.  Pluss I run a bucket system also here in the can.  It all helps out for a small space.  Now for the spare room I have to lean that out here shortly becuase a friend needs a place to stay untill he gets back on his feet.  There is just enough room in the main area to put another shelveing unit that is already here.  I will grab the storage buckets out of there also and they will go into my room as normal.  And I just got done rearangeing that room not to long ago.  Another good thing about haveing friends stay with us is that I get to learn from them in how to cook something differant here in the kitchen.  Besides what he calls junk food.  I have forgot in how to make alot of things becuase I do not make them anymore.  So I am out of practice and Aldi is my good friend for this one also for the corn flour that they have.  I will be on overload at first and I am going cheaper than what I have been doing anyway for here so I will have some help also to keep me in line.  So now I am writeing down stuff to remind me of being cheap and help me keep on track on alot of things here.  On the weekends I will be at the computer and cooking pluss laundery.  It helps pass the time on the wait for both of them.  It is not like I slack by being at the computer at all.  What I do is look for new recipies, coupons, and free stuff.  That is what alot of folks do not get about me.  And I have lost friends becuase I have got alot cheaper around my place.  There are ways to save money with barely trying.  Like keeping the place stocked up when you can find stuff on sale and the coupons to go with the sales.  Now some folks complain about useing coupons.  Now with me I have alot of  meals already put down.  I take my meal lists for the month with me along with the coupons to the stores.  With what I do is I write down the main course for the day and a month and work around it.  Alot of times the coupons will be the rest of the meal.  And other products that is needed for the can.  I refuse to be picky on the soaps, shampoos, conditioners, TP, paper towles, and a few other things.  I used Aldi laundery deturgant for years and I have stoped becuase it got to watery for me.  I am on the last bottle of it now and went back to Purex.  There are alot of tricks of the traide in what I have done and keep doing.  I had on the job training per say over it.  There are alot of ways to streach out the dollars today.  And I am going to streach out even more than what I have been doing now.  The nice thing about all of this is that I will be working everyday on trying to streach out even more.  Like the Green Works products that I have.  The dish soap has lasted over a month and I do and have done alot of dishes this month.  Ok folks have fun and play hard today.