Saturday, December 19, 2009
Looks like a bomb still went off
Now I realize my kitchen is still small here in the can. When I can start tripping over things in the kitchen becuase I havent moved anything hardly at all. And was waiting on the Hippy to help just enough to get the boxes of stuff out of the kitchen and put someplace else diden't happen niether for this morning. So I guess I am stuck doing it all for this week once again. Between the cooking and the cleaning for this week I do not know where to start at all around the can. Part of my problem is that I need a clean kitchen to start dinner for the weekend and big huge meals. What is it with men sometimes on when they see you start in on something and say well I was about ready to do that. Well I have been trying to get really cheap in the kitchen anyway and some folks do not help me on that part at all. I just don't like it when someone else starts cleaning anyway in the kitchen for me. So I do alot on my own anyway but, to have some help would be nice every so often. Pluss I caught the one of the cooking shows on planet green. How to utilize a small kitchen and save water and power. I always have some kind of stock in the kitchen anyway and it helps to cook more than you can even think about. I can say that I have done the double duty in my kitchen for so long that it doesen't even bother me anymore on how I cook. This is why I still like my rice cooker and a few other appliances for my kitchen. The poor rice cooker has done tripple duty since I have got it. Between the rice and heating leftovers also and both combined it works great. Now since I am alone for 5 days a week I eat alot of soups and rice in the winter time. And now with the sandwich maker I can have soup and sandwiches without a problem also. With the sandwich maker I can cook chicken chop it up and a few other stuff with it and I have a hot sandwich in no time flat. That is the fun part going after the left overs in my place. You never know what combination that you can come up with for anything. Well I grew up on leftovers anyway and some folks haven't. With the leftovers in my house it saves me from cooking all week while I am at it. That is why some folks hollar at me is becuase I do think ahead most times. Like I care of what they think of me not pulling form both freezers during the week anyway. As long as I cook for the Hippy who cares what I eat during the week. Now alot of times all I do is cook enough rice for a meal and reheat the leftovers in the rice cooker. And 20 min later I have a full meal without a problem. Not alot of folks like leftovers and shame on them at this point in time. With groceries being high as they are may as well eat leftovers if there is any left from dinner. Now I know sauce is better the next day instead of the first day that it was on the table. In my place I will cook the sauce and freeze alot of it for the coming weeks and months. Just like chili also it works for my place. There are alot of leftover ideas. And new ways to make the leftovers the next night that the other have wont have a clue unless they all look in the fridge. Now the Hippy that is here with me he just dosen't care what I do with the leftovers at all. There are times when we both say geez not chicken again. Ok folks have fun and play hard today housework is calling me again.