Saturday, December 12, 2009
Well 3 ratty places
There were at least 3 ratty places that I woulden't even pay 10 grand for at all. They needed all new windows all the way around and one was also sinking. And Tuesday will be here before I know it. It seems strange 2 auctions in one year that some of us are hitting up. And it is a good thing that I am walking on the cheap still. The Hippy and I went out to lunch while we were out also today. So the both of us got to talking and he asked if I heard anything from the Electrition and his wife. I told him not for at least 2 weeks at all. Oh well since I have been going "Dirt Cheap" in thier eyes and the Hippy went back to work I guess the both of us became dog meat in the Electritions eyes. With me trying to streach out everything so I can get out of the can more than I was. Now as always during the week I am cutting alot of things off during the day. And I don't mind it at all. I know that the Electrition doesen't like in what I do when I am by myself at all. There are several other things also that he can't stand in what I do also. Now when I got the Kitchenaid stand mixer last year he got mad about it. I haven't blown up 2 hand mixers over the past year niether. And 3 times a year the Kitchenaid starts hollering get off of me of course and has not failed me yet. Thru pies taters and several other things during the hollidays. Not includeing thru the year while I am at it all. What alot of it is with some folks is that they do not like it when some of surpass them at all. I have also started working on the budget for january also. Now I hardly eat out anyway during the month at all if at all. The 20 dollars for dinner is like a weeks worth of dinners for my place. That is why I am always cooking around here. There are times where I just rework an idea for a recipie. Not alot of people like that. All I can do is laugh about some things that I do around here. By streaching out alot more than what I am suppose to streach out. The Hippy doesen't mind in what I do also. Becuase he does the same as I do. Alot that we both do is we go as cheap as possible for here at the can and go from there. Where the both of us do not mind also to go to the dollar stores for food and alot of other things along the way. I do not always shop at the major chains for the groceries also. Like the regular Supermarket. They cahrge double to triple the amount on things for household items. Some folks like it like that becuase they have money to throw away and they don't care what they do. I will say that I do use off brands here in the can. I have 3quarters off brands and a quarter of the name brand items. Now the name brands have to be on sale and coupons also at all times. Most of what I have also can be streached out to the max also while I am at it. It is a fource of habit around here to me to start streaching alot out and seeing what I can streach also. Now I know some who won't even bother streaching stuff out. Now I know with the Hippy he was asked the other day in how we all managed here at the can. He started laughing and said ask the brat out of the group. That I did almost everything. Well some practice I can have very little and still make dinner. It comes from the really broke days of food stamps also. By the end of the month you are kind of stuck and fourced to deal with very little that is left in the cubberts. There has been some pretty ugly things slaped on the table that were just wrong but, it tasted better than the look of it. Thanks to my Ex Hubby I learned alot from him on the cooking. Like how to cook rice on the stove top. Now the rice cooker makes it easy on me. I can still cook rice on the gas range if and when the power goes out. Ok folks have fun and play even harder.