Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Well I just came up with alot
I came up with what I had missed all this time. Ok besides I fell out of dumpster diveing and finally hit the one supermarket for the bargin rack. I came up with a cut back and it finally just tourches everyone practicly that comes over besides the ones that are in the same boat as I am. Streaching out everything untill we are just sick of it all. I have came to the fact of why most of us do streach out everything includeing the dollar. I had some help from a great dispatcher this morning. So Thanks to the person who slaped me up side the head at 8 am. Well I was kinda down lastnight over the whole auction deal and a few other things and the guy made me realize that wait just a second here. I am better off than some folks are and I can sit back and be cheap and get cheaper without a problem. Even with the dumpster diveing that I did and purgeing of the cabnets around here. I will more than likely donate what I got out of the space and feel even better around here also. The stimulas package that the Idiot Presadent sent out did no good for us all over. Along with the extintion of the unenjoyment (unemployment). What it is, is that folks need to go cheap then start hollering about it all. The ones who get the Loans out there are the ones who cant pay thier bills on time and let the Gas Bill get to over 4 Grand. No gas no heat for most places around here in NY State anyway becuase it's cheaper than the power. Now with that being said the Hippy coulden't get a personal loan what so ever. But could get a 2500 dollar Master Card. Go figure on that one. There have been times where I coulden't fill the Van's tank to save myself becuase the both of us have been that broke. Pluss I rememmbered that it is December and that the both of us will be broke untill Febuary of next year. Welcome to the National Truckers club of things. I work out of the can mainly and go from there. Now there are times of the year where I have to go get other employment out of the can. That is when things are really slow and I need to get out for awhile. The cold weather really doesen't bother me to much since I did work in a cold wearhouse at one point in time. When we brought our own space heaters into work with us all. Now if folks can get that then I woulden't hollar as much. Compaired to some folks I am cheap and do squeek after a point in time. Ok folks have fun and play even harder.