Saturday, December 26, 2009
Here I sit
I am sitting here with a note book of paper in front of me at the moment while I am jotting down some ideas on a cheaper way of doing stuff here in the next month. Some of it some folks are not gonna like what I will be doing at all. Like I care what they all think anyway. Apparently I have lost some friends over being frugal and cheap all in what I have done so far this year. Well after being down to about 1100 dollars a month you start to find cheaper ways to do things around the can. I have not changed any of my habbits so far except to re stock the place that needed to be done anyway. Then some folks have droped us becuase now all of a sudden we are bringing in more money than they are. Of course they don't like it at all. That is some folks up here in NY State for you also once I think about it now. I got to thinking that most of the time when I am alone I can wait on alot of things like not useing the computer and T.V. so much during the 5 days I am alone and a few other things. I will let you know who it is going around here when I start to do more things that are cheap and frugal. I plan on doing alot around here anyway in the can.