Thursday, December 31, 2009
Ploting once again
Just figureing what to cook first around here. I am so sick of turkey at this point that it is not even funny. We all ate the last of it this afternoon for lunch. One nice thing about the rice cooker is that I can make rice and reheat leftovers in it also. Now to make finger foods and I just dont have a clue to where to start at now. I am at a loss and that is hard for me at this point in time. Between friends breaking bones and haveing car trouble it has been a the worst end of the year so far on the books. Well I am no worse for the wear except I want to help some and can't since I am about 14 hours away from some. At least to cook and help out with my best friends place to help keep her going. I will tell her to put a bag on the hand and go for the shower or bath eather way just like I did with 3 broken fingers. Now I know why the Hippy was just totally throwing a fit along with the doctor. I will always pay for the server ripping my left hand up now. Broken bones and scare tissue all over the place and I still have the lace marks from the boots on my feet after 7 years. I know about being banged up without help at all. Anyway I may end up throwing the cheapest New Years bash yet this year. Alot of the finger food is going to be made from scratch eather way I go. The Hippy just shook his head at me today. Normally we all order out this year is differant. I have the means to make food from scratch eather way for cheaper than what they want from the pizza places around here. Now that I do have 2 food processors I am doing good for this year. And I have a blinder for the one so I am not too worried about drinks this year. Even Olliver was happy with me since he got a plate of veggies and fruit out of the deal. He is a happy birdy at the moment. It doesen't take much to make him happy at all for my place. Leftovers are out side and he has the veggies pluss fresh food. All I could do was laugh at him this afternoon. Olliver gave me the look like I have more celery and other veggies thank you mama. I can't wait untill corn is in season again. He gets excited when I put a plate in his cage. He knows it is goodies for him. That is one thing about Quaker Parrots you have to give them fresh fruit and veggies all the time. Along with bird seed. I have also gave him fish at times also. Via tuna or shrimp. Like it matters. Fish is in the diet of a wild quaker also. So are other meats. Just like other parrots they like the meat and veggies also right along fruit. Now I figured he would go after fruit first not this bird he goes after the veggies before fruit. Olliver is worse than a 2 year old sometimes. He loves the veggies and is a snuggle butt most times. And then leaves slobbers on me. I have worked with him since he got here. He has came around alot. I can pick him up with my sleaves instead of a towel now. I am working with just a plain out hand still. Once I get him with the sleaves he is fine with the bare hand. It takes time since he was ignored where I got him from. Olliver even Likes the dog now. He flew over to her the other day. Niether one snaped at eachother at all. The dog barked and the bird cooed I was almost in tears. I need to take a pic of Mr. Chunk Cheeks now after he gained all the waight that he needed to look healthy. Now the Quakers are like the regular Parrots but a bit bigger than a cockatoo. If that makes since. They are a small bird with big bird syndrome. Olliver already drew blood on me by Biteing. I dident correct him since he was getting his nails cliped. I watched him for 24 hrs and then some. SO now I will be takeing his toush to the vet for clips of the beak and nails. I rememmber how to do the wings without a problem. Since I had a green back Parrot at one time in my life. I have let the poor birds beak grow becuase of his other owner. I am letting the scare tissue grow out a bit before I do anything. I have always delt with the vet takeing the plyers to the beak instead of a sodering gun. When we all would take the dogs in along with brut(the female that I had for a bit) that is what he did. I delt with the Vet for Years and Years even with the farret. The man had and still has my biss after 25 years. If I was still was in Collinsville Illinois. He is good. The Man was a farm Vet on top of it in the area.