Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Went to Walmart again
I ended up over at Walmart after the bank yesterday. It seems like I run out of dog and cat food at about the same time around my can along with the cat litter. And 75 dollars later for a few other things also while I was there. A friend started laughing when she walked in and there's both of the big bags sitting by the door. Pluss I wanted to catch up with the woman on what was going on with her. Both of us are busy during the day and see eachother about once a month for coffee at my place. So eather way Both get caught up for the families that we have. Also I will admit that I am still learning for being more frugal or cheap eather way you look at it. With the both of us we traid in what works for us in eather household. It can be fun at times just like traiding coupons back and fourth also. There are alot of us that do it in my neighborhood just to save money on the grocery bill and the household goods also. Some of us still collect the cans out of the yard and a few other places also. I picked up 10 cents yesterday out of a vacant lot here in the park. Some of the kids around here just do not care if it means a nickle in thier pocket. As I say nickles add up also around here for everything of course. I should start going on my mini walks again and take a plastic bag with me also. It is well worth the trouble to pick up the cans and bottles around the walks. Even if it means another 10cents pluss in my pocket. Now I had an extra 6 dollars last Monday that went into another jar for my wood burner. I have already after the past couple of months here ended up with about 7 dollars already. Not including what is still in the back of my van to turn in. I know some folks do not get in what I do with the cans at all. I know alot of the places around here throw away the cans also. I have asked them to save them back for me and just put the small bags into the mud room that I have. They won't even bother with it. Even if it means a pair of shoes for thier daughter. I will say that after I got dumped on the curb from the chat room I have been doing even better without the drama that was being created form it. Alot of folks would never approve if they know in what I was doing or trying to do for my household. I know that the so called room owner diden't approve of it. Alot of people are funny when it comes to coupon use and bottle returns and trying to live below the paycheck means of life. All I can do with those folks that do not like what I have tried to do is shake my head at them and go from there. I notice the folks that cut you down in life are not worth the trouble that they like to make. I know that I have been cut down at the ankles with alot of folks over the years and I did survive it and got alot mouthier over the years and got alot more blunt also while I was at it. I have also cut my bills dramaticly while I was at it. I did what I have had to do. Like streaching out what is here in the place and money while I was at it all. It all works for me and I want to start streaching even harder for the place. I know it bothers some folks and they do not have to live here nor a few other things. I will keep shopping for the best deals and keep useing coupons and returning the nickle deposits for my place. It is funny when I do have the fist full of coupons when I hit the checkout lanes I have heard alot of moans and groans untill they hear the finnal total of when the coupons come off the bill. And there is the down right shock on some faces that are behind me in the checkout lanes. Some of the cashiers will tell you that I am good and some others are a bit better than I am on the coupons and rebates. When I can get at least 16 dollars still off the bill at one of the stores without even trying it is still a good trip to where I am at. It is and extra 16 dollars pulled back in my eyes. Now when I was on food stamps at one time the social worker asked in how I was streaching out the stamps. All I could do was laugh and shown a reciept of how I did it. She asked if she could get a copy of it. I said sure go for it. It was to show others that they could do what I did also. I was getting free coupons from the sunday paper becuase the people diden't want the inserts back. Some of us split the inserts up went home clipped away and returned with an envalope the next day of the coupons we dident want and did a huge traid on who wanted what. So it all worked out for alot of us at the one place that I worked at. Ok folks have fun and play even harder.