Tuesday, December 22, 2009
I did get stuff done
Tomarrow is another day to get more done around here. I have already did way to much and need to do more as normal since the Hippy diden't bother to help out at all over the weekend. I may just start bakeing tomarrow also while I am at it since some folks want me to pick them up in Collins on Thursday of course. This all should be good only becuase I need to get alot of things done here. And I will start the bread early on Friday morning from the way this is looking at for the moment. I may get lucky and say no take the truck in on Saturday. That is what I am hopeing at this point. Even Olliver got into it tonight with his food bowl he had seeds stuck all over his beak again. All I could do was laugh becuase he is so cute when he looks up and gives this look like what did I do now. And Olliver wants me to start the prep work anyway becuase he loves celery. I can always tell when he is at a dish that I put in his cage becuase he starts crunching away and drives most folks nuts that comes over. All in all Oliver is a good bird even though he does scream every so offten. Small bird with big bird syndrome.