Friday, December 4, 2009
Today is harder than others
Now normally I am off the computer untill at least 3 pm. Today is just one of them days of softwear problems that I finally somewhat fixed for the time being. Pluss the snow has been on and off again all morning so far while it is at it. It got pretty blustery out lastnight and stayed that way this morning so far also. So now to really start blocking up the drafts so the cold doesen't come into the can. The pizza or mac and cheese came up for dinner tonight of course. I am craveing both. I will let the Hippy deside on it for tonight on what he wants. If he calls me back in time. The pizza can wait untill sunday for that matter for the football games going on. All I can do is sit back and wait and figure out what I want for dinner also. Well that is what I get for being cheap this time of year also. Now most of everything is off for the most part except the computer of course and I will probably start in with the radio here shortly to pass the time untill the news then Paula Dean then the buff babies for tonight. So eather way it is a friday. One good thing about the Hippy is that he dosen't care what I make for dinner. Now I have also had folks come over at a moments notice also and thier mouth was watering on what I was cooking for that night also. A good friend of mine doesen't know how to cook at all. And that is ok. I have gave her recipies that are really easy to cook at her place and go from there. I know what it is like to cook out of a toaster oven and a hot plate for everything. Been there and done that for a time with 3 kids in the house and screaming at the landloard to get the oven fixed or replace it one. I have rented from some winners let me tell ya. Anyway at least I know the rules a bit better this go around. And if the Section 233 does squat Albany NY better throw the rules out for Trailer parks now. Pluss throw out thier pay checks on top of it all also while they are at it. A party that is paied for off my dollar then they haven't seen nothing yet in what I have pulled. Only maybe one seen what I can pull off for a party of 10+ people for a party or get togeather around here at my place. Good food and music at the same time and the kids diden't mind at all. So please tell me where I was going wrong at bring a side dish and BYOB at the same time. Also on top of it it is the cheap way of doing things. Now if you get paid once a month or can only get out to the store once a month gee guess what. Now some of us do save up the coupons and everything else for the once a month shopping. I would love to see a politition do that around here in NY State. Or go without becuase they can not afford something like 3 extra secretareys in the office. Now for the Governer I can see why he needs a driver since the Man is leagally Blind for driveing. I will give credit where credit is due I just don't care who you are on that one. Pluss He has a since of hummor like I do very dry at times. So lets get the Crap togeather in Albaney NY and listen to us broke folks out here in the State instead of the City. It reminds me of Chicago and E. St. Louis. And who is rougher at this point. The farmers or the Big City slickers. E. St. Louis always won out. Just like the srest of NY State has. Or do I have to remind folks of the Spitzer Girls did they spit or swallow??????? And some loved my Reaction to it all. I lived in Illinois for the first 20 years of my Life. I know cruption when I see it. And most of the Folks up here are very Dirty in how they play. Some of us just kept a few yards ahead of the dirty players anyway becuase, some of us already know what life is all about. Ok folks have fun and play even harder.