Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Some will not get my vote again
The only reason why I voted for Some in the senate is becuase I thought they would help out. Ok almost 6 years later My driveway is still falling apart. And My vote isen't worth a DAMN anymore after my rent goes up once again this Year. New neighbors and NEW problems to where I need salt and a pellet gun again. Wait bullets are cheaper for the new neighbors and so is the ticket for Fireing a fire arm in the city if I do need a BODY BAG ONCE AGAIN with the TOWN CLOWNS except Kelly. Now what does this tell ya my driveway is still falling apart without help and the next time I stub a toe I will be calling Rochester or a doctor visit. Maybe broken bones will be a wake up call that I rent the land and DO NOT OWN IT UNLESS I HAVE THE TITLE TO IT. Or according to the Section 233 fror NY State I can hold the Lot Rent Untill I get what I want. This is SABER PARK ASSOCIATES LLC. for ya. And some of the foundations for the new codes I woulden't trust to save my own toush.