Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Sad day for Niagara county folks
Alot of busnisses are laying off or shutting down eather way. Here in Western NY the jobs are not there at all thanks to the State and thier Gross Neglagents on taxes. I say that the folks in Albany NY better start bringing in thier own T.P. heat and Coffee at the same time. Just like some of us had to do here in Niagara and Erie County Places for Enployment. Along with Tea Bags also and thier own stuff. Wanna get cheap come to my place and I won't baby the polititons at all now a days. At this time of day you are lucky I am on Line with the Cable modem. The power = money up here where we are taxed to DEATH and then some. Again most of my power bill is the taxes and line charges as normal. It totals over more than half of what I have used all month in the useage of the power it self once again. I want to see most of these Jack Asses in Albany NY see if they can survive off of 800 dollars a month. Instead of the 3 grand they all bring in. All of the polititions would not make it at all with what everyone else brings into the household. Now I have thrown some Good Parties off of what was brought in with BROB and a Side Dish also. That is why alot of folks Don't mind bringing over food and Beer or other beverages to my place. Internet radio and a great time to talk and other things. SO if any Bikers are out there you are more than welcome at my parties that I throw here just bring a dish and your own Beer You are always welcome at my place. Polititions and thier better half you better know how to cook or bring the fixings of the side dish with ya. Without the Green Peppers of course. The Lodicks are always welcome of course eather way. I have thrown many of bashes at my place on the cheap. I will always be like this and don't ask for more. Good food friends and family is how I put it all. And my head wont rotate like somes will with over 90 folks coming over. Sorry Auntie. It is what I am use to in every way also. I can belt out enough for 90 pluss folks in a sitting at my place. And on the cheap also. Then to sit at the bar and say what a day while I am at it. One nice thing about the PA state is that most of the bars you can smoke at unlike NY State. And I also reminded the electrition of who held who back for his ex wife. That was the funny part of the conversation today. Pretty bad when He has to go for beating one of the dogs for going in the house instead of out side To Get HIS KIDS from a screwed situation When thier MOTHER COULD GIVE A RATS BEHIND FOR THE CHILDREN INSTEAD OF LIVEING OFF OF THE CHILDREN. When there is nothing wrong with the children except they don't listen to her. Maybe now the Law Gardian will listen of the abuse these children went thru without the paper work saying the mother was unfit with the one daughter and signed the dang thing saying that she was unfit to take care of any children that she had (all 5 of them). Ok folks have fun and play even harder.