Well I have figured it out around here in why I have been really on the mood thing around the household here and it is not pretty at all. At this time I know that I have to get alot cheaper in the place and it will be done here totally. Since I have had alot of pain and stress on things over the past several weeks and yesterday was no suprize when it all flaired up again on me. Now I will get my toush into gear here for alot of things to work on the cheap end on the household again. Pluss I will have to write things down so I will remember in what I need to do for the place. This is where the walks will come into play for the household also at this time and I will not mind it what so ever now. With that part of things I will have to walk into the house here and start with the note pad to get things down right away and go from there in what I have to do. Also with the walks it will help me loose more weight here while I am at it along with the thinking end while I am at it. Now since things are being used up here in the household also it does not seem that bad that I will be a step closer to get that much cheaper for the place also. This is what I get for hitting the heavy weight bag yesterday and will do it again on what is going down here for the household this weekend. Alot of what has been going down is not good at all and I will do what I normally do during the week while I am alone to prove a point here. I do not see any other way at all but to do more here for the household to get it that much cheaper here totally. I guess this is why I have been running the fire place that much more here at this time to keep the bills low along with unplugging things also during the day for the most part at this time. Also here I have been trying to cut back that much more on the cleaners at this time to streach everything out as much as possible here. Maybe I am ready to take the next step also here for some things for the household here and do what I have to without the help from now on. So I guess the coupons will come back into play once again here along with other things that I was doing at the trailer also now. I am just not sure in how I will get all of this done here in the household as of yet. This is also in why I go for walks while I am at it to help put things into place at this time still here. At this point this morning already I have been thinking on ways to get things done here for the household and none of it is making since in how I will get it done. Since I have alot to get done still for the day here I have already gave up on what will come first to get done here totally. At this point it is a 2 footer day as I call it and what that means is to just go into it with both feet and start working in the hot spots.