Well I get to work tonight here totally and I am happy about that kind of. I am not looking forward of being out in the cold. So now at this point I still have 2 loads of laundry to get done here for the day before I do anything else besides plot out the rest of the day. With that part of things here knowing that the both of us have to dress warm tonight and I have to cut on a pair of gloves also now it will not be so bad. Also here I ended up with a new pair of shoes since the ones that are here except one pair that are pretty tattered. The one pair have never fit right anyway and that is how I ended up with the new pair totally. So now at this time I will wear the one pair untill they are falling apart and go from there. Anyway here at least I will be doing the cheap end of things from now on for the place and myself from now on and some people will not like it when I get done here at all. Others have figured out in why I am cheap so far and they have not seen anything out of me as of yet to what I have been doing. It is part of the new years thing that I am setting up. I have several things on my list this year to get done and getting that much cheaper is only one thing on my list. Some people will be shocked in what I will do to keep things lower than snot for the place that I am in now. Ok so I am clawing my way to keep the house here totally. That means alot of the bills will come to a screaching hault here and I will kick and scream over this one totally untill I get my way on it. It will mean more money in my Husbands pocket also during the month here and he will not mind it when I explain why here. Also I will fall into some good deals while I am at it for things that are needed to keep the household going this up coming year. There is so much that I can do here totally and will get it all done even if it kills me to do so. I have been wanting to down size things for a good while here anyway and I will make it all happen. Also with myself thinking so much here on alot of things totally I know in what I have to do here to make it all happen for the place. Pluss since I have a list this year with the goals that is only a surface of what will go on that you see here today. There is alot more that I will be doing for the household also from now on that I am not saying as of yet here. It will all come out here totally and I will make alot of things work.