Sunday, December 23, 2012
Still thinking
Since I am always thinking here in how to get this done here for the week I think I may have it here. I will be using leftovers from the one bird here for Tuesday and it makes it easier on me. With another part I will still need bread for the household totally and that will be picked up today while I am out of the house without a doubt. Now to get everything done on the very cheap side this week and see if it can be done for the place. Since some already know that alot of the power is going off here anyway for most of the week here in the house it is a good time for my Husband to freak out here on what I do. With that being said for what I end up doing here all week it should not be so bad. When I got home yesterday from the one dollar store I got asked in how much I spent and told my Husband only 30 dollars for what is here along with the 4 things that got left in the truck also. My Husand shook his head and helped me into the house then. So with all the dinners that I will have to make here for the place this week I know in what I can do already for that part. The KitchenAid will be broke out here totally since I will need it to help make some of the things already. The wierd part about that is that I have to find some of the attachments that go with the stand mixer so I can get some of the potatoes done for at least one dinner. So now here there is just alot to get done here without a problem at all and it is where to start with all of it here. Where to start this morning here is getting the mixer out of where I have it along with the attachments. Another part is laundry so I will have the hand towels for Tuesday here. Since I am going on the cheaper end for alot of things here in the household it is amazing my Husband here already in that I am going to the one dollar store again for some of the food for the household. When the coupons start coming in again here it will just drag the costs down for that part along with some of the soaps also here. Pluss thru the time that my Husband will be home the fire place will be going to help heat the house. I may as well use it here since it works. With alot of things that have been cut down here I had to look totally in where to start in the place that we were at. I still have to look here and think ok what is the easiest way along with the cheapest way at this time to get things done. So I will start thinking and looking again here along with cooking even cheaper than before. The Dollar Tree will help with that part of things in the place also at this time.