Well as of yesterday I got out of the house for acouple of hours. Since I walked around 2 stores in total here and felt alittle better after that I now know that part of what is going on. With that said I will be trying to get more coupons here for the one store also and the nickle pick up will help on that part also here at this time. With alot of things here I had forgot that the one place that the whole thing is a dollar per item and they take coupons also. With that being said at least I can go out to get some shopping done now for food and make it all work here. Since I am trying to get cheaper here for the household anyway it is another good place to get things done here also. Ok so the one dollar store the products are almost the rejects from other stores since they are smaller than what you get also. I can think of worse things that could happen besides that. So now here at least I know that some things will work better here since I will be going back at least once a month here to the one dollar store totally. Now at this time at least part of what I got done yesterday I had coupons for both stores here along with hanging a load of laundry here for the day. It all adds up in the end with what I do for the household totally. Between the sales, coupons, turning things off, and streaching things out it all works in the household. Also cooking at home instead of going out to eat cuts down on the budget for the household. That is where part of the planning comes into play. Granted some people do not know in how to cook at all and that is fine. There are web sites out there to help with that part of things also. So now here with the one dollar store you would not believe in what is in the store when you walk in. It is a cheap way to feed the household totally at this point when you make to much for the food stamps/snap program. What I do not believe in is the folks that have been on the system for generations. With that said if you are 50 cents over you do not get on period. So now with the one place I will be back to get more things when I cash in the nickles totally here. This is why I also throw the pasta from the box into a zipper bag with bay leaves also here it makes it easy to pull out a cup of pasta to go along with other things during the week here. This is why I will not mind going back to the one store here. Anyway the planning will help with the budget and think on things before it all goes down in stone. Get others involved also if they are in the household nomatter what.