Well after all that was done yesterday here for the place it is still a mess. It could be worse totally here in the household. I was planning on getting more laundry done that what I had got to and that did not happen at all. Now for the day I will get alot done for the place since things need to be done anyway and it will depend on the lines down stairs as normal. With that part of things it will be another cheap day here since hardly anything will be running again. So now at least I will be getting more done here in the place today than all week. Ok so I have not stopped plotting for alot of things here at all. It keeps my mind off of other things here and I will admit to that part totally. Anyway at this point in time here I have been looking around the household to see if I can cut anymore out of the budget here and I have came up with some things that might work for the long run. It also helps out that I have a full tank of gas for the truck that I have and I have to get back to my walks so I can clear my mind. Yes I have noticed that alot of things are jumbled into one big mess. With that part said here I will do that part this morning and get it done and over with since I will be near one of my spots anyway for the day. The good part about all of this is that I know that I can make it with the walks even though it is colder than snot outside at this point. As I say get out early and get parts of the day done here so I can work for the rest of the day in the household. There are many things that I have noticed here in the area also that are not good at all. With alot of the prices going up it is almost sticker shock for alot of things that are needed. It makes neighbors wander in why I have been taking walks anyway here and it is for the extra money alot of times along with weight loss here of course. At least I know that by the end of the week when I walk all week here I can go over to the one dollar store and get enough food for the household without a problem. That is how I have been looking at things as of late for the household totally. With taxes going up here all over the place Middle Class was fun while it lasted. There are still ways to cut the costs in every household still and I am working on alot of it myself still. The cheaper products, food, turning off things, and hardly driving does help out here totally for the budget. If you have a fire place get it inspected and fire it up when the person gives ya the green light to do so. The wood that I found and got was alot cheaper than paying a 200 pluss dollar gas bill for the furnace. Also check with the city and make a deal with them for trees that they cut down. Just like the news paper inserts also for the day that your area comes out for the sales along with the coupons. With that said it is more important to streach out every dollar that comes into a household at this point in time after and with the disaster that is going on in Washington. Alot of ways here I can see the dollar stores doing a huge turn around after the first of the year here when people see less money coming in and alot more going out. Now I will figure out a tighter budget for the new year along with things that I will be dropping along with it all. So things will be off more times than not here after the new year and alot more coupons will be printed out also for the place. Maybe part of it all is the shock value that I need with others in the same checkout lane that I am in at the stores also.