Well I am wandering if I am doing the right thing here still. Ok so I got the power bill in and I am back to hanging the laundry nomatter what here again. Pluss I am back to the lap top also for to help out that part of things. With some poeple they just do not care at all in what the bills are for the household and will run things up. So as I sit here now and started thinking on alot of things it may work in what I need to do here. All I can say is that some things are harder than what I thought here and I still have to break some habbits for the place. With that said I had some things on by 4 pm in the place and went from there. Maybe I just need to get that part done here by 5 minute blocks of time like I did over at the trailer also when I first started out with cutting things off. That is how I got the times done with things shut off for longer than what some expected also at the time. Also here I ended up realizing some things totally in why I went cheaper at the trailer then took alot of it here to the house also at the time. Since I am still working on alot of things here to get back into gear and that is normal after I let some of it go here when myself and my Husband moved into the house 2 years ago. So with alot of the things that I dropped for the place I am trying to get it going again here for the household. Since the mail lady that we had switched routes and I have not really looked for free stuff as of late here also it is one of the things that I will start doing again for the place. It is nice to get samples in the mail besides the bills other wise known as dirty mail. So I will see what happends on that part of things here totally. The nice thing about alot of what is going on is that I can get the bills down here nomatter what is going on. With that being said here I may just walk to pay a bill totally and go from there today. I figure why waste the gas and this way I can pick up more nickles for the household here also. I know it sounds strange that I am willing to walk at this time since I have the truck. And of course my Husband left it almost on empty anyway here again from this weekend. That is one bad thing here about going so far out at this point in time. One of the good things is that I do have a face cord of wood to work with here for the fire place and it will help out with the colder weather. Since we do have that at this point in time I may as well use that part of things also here to cut down on the gas bill here. This is what some people did not get at all in how I operate for the household at this time. It is a good thing that I can see what I need to do here without the push of someone else being here. As I told someone yesterday here since I went cheaper in the trailer at the time because of the thought of getting a spoiled brat 8 years ago how else do ya think that I got the stand mixer at the time. The person that I said that to almost fell out of her chair when I told her that. This is what I get I guess for nickle and dimeing the trailer at the time.