Ok knoing that taxes are going up around here totally and that I blame on Obama here totally since he wants everyone on welfare totally. Well start taxing the crap out of the ones that get a monthly welfare check and for their free phones all over the place and not the ones who pay the dues to support the bumbs on total welfare here. Since some of us are lucky to even have a phone left here along with the dish for T.V. and have to pay for it all here gee it is time for some people to get off their dead beat asses here and start paying for what they all have for nothing. Also why in the heck am I trying to be cheaper than snot here with the fire place and turning things off also during the day when others get it for free at this time here. It makes me wander about things and shake my head even more about things altogeather now. As I told my Husband here I am doing all that I can to help out by taking my walks and picking up all the cans that I can get at this time for the place. Ok so it is not much here at 80 cents for this morning and tomarrow maybe worse on me totally here. So I will do all that I can for the place here now to make sure that we have the money to pay the place off also at this time. This is what I have been wandering about here totally now along with the hope that I can eat by the time I am done also here. When some of us are working here it is not fair by the time the welfare bumbs are done when they have brand new caddies here and I want the used piece of junk that I have still and not eat most times. Gee no wander in why I am loosing weight here around the place totally. Since years ago I was waiting at a food pantry and here comes 6 brand new caddies pulling up with people getting food that were better off than I was at the time. It got to me then and still does to this flapping day on that part of things. So now I will figure out some things here to see if we make it untill my next surgery here even if I have to walk to the store to tell my Husband here take it home and I will be there within an hour here totally.